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Research laboratories

Field stations

Educational council

International cooperation

Moscow PEEX office

Krasnovidovo station

Valery V.  Puklakov

head of the base, 

PhD in Geography

Konstantin K. Edelstein

Scientific supervisor


Contact information 

143221, Moscow region,

Mozhaisky district,

Krasnovidovo village,

Zelenaya str., 5


+7 (496)-385-16-19




Krasnovidovo station (37°50` N, 55°35` E) is dedicated to limnological studies. It was founded in 1945 under the leadership of Professor Sergey Dmitrievich Muravievsky and academician Konstantin Konstantinovich Markov to address two main objectives: to serve as an educational and scientific field station for conducting comprehensive general geographical practice for students of the Faculty of Geography and to carry out independent research of physical and economic geographical nature. After the creation of the Mozhaysk Reservoir (in 1961), based on the station, Professor Vasily Dmitrievich Bykov established a comprehensive research laboratory for studying reservoirs in 1965. In 2002, the station was renamed the Krasnovidovskaya Educational and Scientific Base (ESB) of the Faculty of Geography.

Now, according to curriculum, second-year students of department of hydrology have their summer field practice there, learning how to take measures on water bodies. Moreover, the station welcomes students of third and fourth year from different departments to have their fieldwork. It gives a base for a great variety of hydrological and ecological investigations. The most challenging research trends are the following:

  • Studying of different types of water movement such as currents, waves, interfusion.

  • Studying the water masses theory.

  • Investigation of physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water and their space-time structure (regime);

  • Studying of ecological conditions of water bodies. 

Completed Research Projects

A methodology for comprehensive studies and chamber and laboratory processing of hydrophysical, hydrochemical, and hydrobiological observations in lakes and reservoirs has been developed and implemented in the educational process. The specificity of the formation and transformation of water masses in reservoirs has been identified, and the regularities of their seasonal and interannual variability have been determined. The dynamic and morphological differences between reservoirs and lakes have been assessed, and a theoretical, methodological, and informational basis for simulating intra-reservoir processes has been created.

Based on field and model studies, the features of internal water exchange in valley-type reservoirs have been thoroughly examined. The research has resulted in the publication of over 400 scientific papers, the release of several collections and textbooks, the defense of three doctoral and 18 candidate dissertations, and the completion of hundreds of diploma and coursework projects.

Prospective Research

Experimental field studies on eutrophication and water quality in reservoirs, hydrophysical and hydrochemical experiments, comprehensive research on reservoirs, and the transformation of river runoff in them using methods of natural experimental observations and mathematical modeling.

Scientific and Educational Collaborations

The base hosts annual practical training for students from the International University of Nature, Society, and Man, "Dubna." Senior students from other educational institutions in Russia specializing in hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, and ecology also undergo practical training. Joint projects are carried out in collaboration with the Institute of Biology of Inland Waters named after I.D. Papanin, the Institute of Water Problems, and the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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