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Research and Educational Program «The Planet’s Future and Global Environmental Change»

Research and Educational Program «The Planet’s Future and Global Environmental Change»

The interdisciplinary scientific and educational school, «The Future of the Planet and Global Environmental Changes», was established in 2020 with the goal of preserving and enhancing Moscow University's leading position in the field of ecological and environmental management, as well as creating a world-class center of excellence in environmental science.

Humanity is faced with an increasingly acute challenge of survival. The most significant global environmental challenges affecting the future of humanity include:

  • Global climate change

  • Reduction of biological diversity

  • Depletion of natural resources

  • Environmental pollution

  • The problem of fresh water

The Russian government has been focusing on these issues with the help of the National Ecology Project. Moscow University has created a school called «The Future of the Planet and Global Environmental Changes» to take a more active part in this national project through strategic projects included within it: «The Scientific Foundations of an Integrated Environmental Quality Monitoring System» and «Rational Environmental Management in a Changing Climate».  The geographical, chemical, biological, and soil science and materials science faculties of Moscow State University are all participating in the organization of this school.

Three Master's Degree programs have been established within the framework of the Interdisciplinary School:

Climate and environment

The field of study

Ecology and Nature Management

Full-time education

The duration of the program

2 years

Program Manager

A.V. Olchev

Urban ecology

The field of study
Ecology and Nature Management

Full-time education

The duration of the program

2 years

Program Manager
N.S. Kasimov

The natural and social environment of the Arctic 

The field of study
Ecology and Nature Management

Full-time education

The duration of the program

2 years

Program Manager
S.A. Dobrolyubov

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