about faculty
All departments Department of Biogeography Geography of World Economy Geomorphology and Palaeogeography Landscape Geochemistry and Soil Geography Land Hydrology Cartography and Geoinformatics Cryolithology and Glaciology Meteorology and Climatology Oceanology Environmental Management Recreational Geography and Tourism Social-Economic Geography of Foreign Countries World Physical Geography and Geoecology Physical Geography and Landscape Science Economic and Social Geography of RussiaResearch laboratories
All research laboratories Renewable Energy Sources Geoecology of the Northern Territories Complex Mapping Recent Deposits and Pleistocene Palaeogeography Regional Analysis and Political Geography Snow Avalanches and Debris Flows The Makkaveev laboratory of Soil Erosion and Fluvial ProcessesField stations
Khibiny station Krasnovidovo station Satino station Elbrus station Arkhangelsk station Ozery stationscience
Science Science at the Faculty of Geography Research priorities in scienceCurrent projects
Interdisciplinary seminars International commission on continental erosion Interuniversity council for erosion and fluvial processes Research journals of the facultyInternational cooperation
Current projects
Megapolis – Heat And Pollution Island Instrumental aerosol complex facility Assessment of Megacity environment Геопортал МГУ Analytical laboratory of optical-stumilated dating Research and educational program “The planet’s future and global environmental change”International cooperation
Moscow PEEX officeeducation
EducationUndergraduate study
Part-time courses Postgraduate study Sevastopol branch Kazakhstan branch (Astana) Shenzhen branch (China)