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Cryolithology and Glaciology

Cryolithology and Glaciology


119991, Russian Federation, Moscow,

GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, 1,

Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Faculty of Geography,

Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology


+7 (495) 939 36 73

The Department was founded in 1945 with the name «Department of northern countries». For the first 10 years it focused on the development of northern territories, physical and socioeconomic aspects. In late 50-ties the Department faced problems of cryology, which were actively studied by A.I. Popov. In 60-ties, with the organization of glaciology research group, headed by G.K. Tushinsky, the Department reached the complexity of the cryospheric studies, well-known for decades.


In different years Department is headed by:

1945-1964 – corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, professor V.G. Bogorov,

1964-1993 – honored scientist of Russian Federation, professor A.I. Popov,

1993-2017 – honored scientist of Russian Federation, professor emeritus of the Lomonosov Moscow State University V.N. Konishchev.

Since 2017, the Department is headed by performed by Irina Dmitrievna Streletskaya, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Moscow University.

Profile of graduates

Cryolithology and glaciology

Career opportunities

Alumni of the Department apply their knowledge in science, engineering, ecology. They work (and attract students) in institutes and centers of RAS: Institute of Geography RAS, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS, Institute of Physical-Chemical and Biological Problems of Soil RAS, Centre on the problems of ecology and productivity of forests (CEPF). Our graduates work in major oil and gas companies – Rosneft, Gazproml; project and research surveying companies, such as Fundamentproekt, PNIIIS. Graduates of the department work in cartographic companies (Scanex).

Main courses\Curriculum

Basics of permafrost research and glaciology, Cryolithology, Avalanches and sills, Physics and mechanics of frozen ground and ice, Engineering glaciology, Cold regions engineering, Geoecology of cryolithozone, Changing climate and evolution of cryolithozone, Cryological forecast for engineering and development of territories, The glacial areas of the world, World snow cover, Latest deposits of the North, Geoinformation systems in cryolithology and glaciology, Mass and energy exchange of glaciers.

Research divizions

Laboratory of ice studies focuses on massive ground ice and ice physics. Also the department of cryolithology and glaciology works closely with the laboratory of snow avalanches and debris flows.

Fields of Research

The Department study ice in the whole cryosphere – snow cover, glaciers, frozen ground. We study cryogenesis, evolution of Arctic cryosphere, also on shelf, the effects of climate change and economic development on reliability of constructions and buildings, geoecological assessment of the role of natural and technogenic factors in evolution of northern landscapes, regional changes of nival-glacial systems under development of mountain territories. We study the processes of formation of avalanches and debris floods, study the geography of avalanche and debris flood hazardous areas.

Main accomplished research

The Department developed conceptual rules for assessment and prediction of cryo-ecological conditions under development of crylithozone in terms of (a) landscape resistance to negative cryogenic processes, (b) type and (c) intensity the technogenic load; detected main lithocryogenic and biotic factors of landscape resistance to cryogenic processes in different environmental conditions; provided a procedure of their comparison in order to calculate integral indexes with further ranking by sensitivity to development, and to make GIS-maps then. In collaboration with different institutions, the Department made the Massive ground ice database.

The Department studied water potential of Caucasus on the reference glacier Djankuat and avalanche risk near Elbrus Mountain.

We studied differences and similarities in formation of “alpine” and “siberian” types of glaciers. First established, that they have no qualitative differences, existing differences (the role of infiltration-congelation ice in their composition) have quantitative nature.

Future research activities

The department develops new methods and techniques of cryogenesis interpretation, avalanche and sill danger and risk assessment, geoecological studies of plains and mountains, glacier mass-balance calculation, mapping of cryosphere.

International relations

Associate professor V.I. Grebenets in collaboration with D. Streletsky from George Washington University rule the International student field course on permafrost. During 1 month students visit Salekhard, Labytnangi, Krasnoyarsk, Igarka and Norilsk, listen lectures, make presentations, do different fieldwork on Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) sites - at Norilsk, Igarka and Kharp.

Our students are active members of PYRN (Permafrost Young Researchers Network), in which they share best practices, information about conferences, field courses, jobs.

Department staff


Head of the Department

Associate professor I.D. Streletskaya (Marine and continental permafrost, Paleogeograpy), PhD


Rogov V.V. (Cryogenesis), Doctor of Geography

Associate Professors

Volodicheva N.A (Glaciology, Avalanches, Recreational glaciology), PhD
Grebenets V.I. (Geotechnics, Engineering geocryology, Cities on permafrost), PhD
Popovnin V.V. (Mass-balance Glaciology, Evolution of glaciosphere), PhD, Expert in World Glacier Monitoring Service
Sokratov S.A. (Engineering Glaciology), PhD, deputy dean for research
Petrakov D.A. (Catastrophic glacial processes, Mass-balance glaciology), PhD

Leading Scientists

Badu Y.B. (Cryolithogenesis, Cryolithogenesis of Western Siberia), PhD
Oleinikov A.D. (Avalanche danger, Snow cover evolution in mountains), PhD
Maslakov A.A. (Study of permafrost conditions under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, monitoring of permafrost), PhD

Senior Researchers

Kizyakov A.I. (Morpholithodynamics of Arctic plains, Coastal and landslide dynamics), PhD
Kovalenko N.V. (Small glaciers and glacial forms, Glaciological monitoring), PhD
Zotova L.I. (Geoecology of cryolithozone, Cryoecological mapping), PhD
Ivanov M.N. (The cryosphere of Polar Urals, Paleoglaciology, Paleoreconsrtuctions), PhD
Vikulina M.A. (Avalanches, dangerous glacial processes, GIS mapping, glaciospheric changes, activity, hazard, risk assessment, natural and social disasters, remote sensing methods, modeling), PhD

Scientific Researchers

Turchaninova A.S. (Snow avalanches and debris floods), PhD
Belova N.G. (Ground ice, cryogenic structure of permafrost, formation ice, history of Arctic development in the Neopleistocene, dynamics of permafrost shores, thermodenudation), PhD

Senior Lecturer

Yurov F.D. (Geotechnics, Engineering geocryology, Cities on permafrost), PhD

Leading Engineers

Dedyusova S.Yu. (Geoecology of cryolithozone)
Frolov D.M. (Cryolithology and glaciology, physical properties of snow)

Leading Specialists

Rzhanitsyn G.A. (Physical properties of snow)

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