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Research laboratories

Field stations

Educational council

International cooperation

Moscow PEEX office

Admission structure

In 2024, admission to bachelor's and master's programs will be carried out for an enlarged group of training areas «Earth Sciences» (multidisciplinary competition: training areas «Geography», «Cartography and Geoinformatics», «Hydrometeorology», «Ecology and Natural Resources Management»), as well as direction of training «Tourism».

List of undergraduate educational programs

List of master's degree programs

Since 2021, bachelor’s training has been carried out in the enlarged group of training areas «Earth Sciences» («Cartography and Geoinformatics», «Physical Geography», «Hydrometeorology», «Ecology and Environmental Management») - 147 budget places and on a contractual basis (30 places).

Since 2021, master’s training has been carried out in an enlarged group of training areas: «Earth Sciences», («Cartography and Geoinformatics», «Physical Geography», «Hydrometeorology», «Ecology and Environmental Management») - 125 budget places and on a contractual basis (20 places ).

Since 2015, training of personnel for the tourism industry at the Faculty of Geography of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University has been carried out within the educational areas «Geography» and «Tourism». 

Bachelor's degree

Direction «Tourism»

Reception will be carried out ONLY on a contractual (paid) basis.

Direction «Geography» (profile «Recreational Geography and Tourism»)

admission on a budget (5 budget places) and contractual basis.

Master's degree

Direction "Tourism»

admission on a budgetary (12 budget places) and contractual (5 places) basis.

Cost of contract training in the 2023/2024 academic year 

In accordance with the orders of the Rector of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and the decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Geography of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, the following amount of payment for higher education programs has been established for the 2023/2024 academic year, including in the order of restoration (transfer):

Bachelor's degree

Enlarged group of training areas (directions «Geography», «Cartography and Geoinformatics», «Hydrometeorology», «Ecology and Environmental Management») - 442.34 thousand rubles

Direction «Tourism" - 409.61 thousand rubles

Master's degree

Enlarged group of training areas (directions directions «Geography», «Cartography and Geoinformatics», «Hydrometeorology», «Ecology and Environmental Management») - 465.45 thousand rubles
Direction «Tourism» -  432.36 thousand rubles.

Bachelor's programs (for foreign citizens)

Enlarged group of training areas (directions «Geography», «Cartography and Geoinformatics», «Hydrometeorology», «Ecology and Environmental Management») - 464.98 thousand rubles
Direction «Tourism» - 430.58 thousand rubles

Master's programs (for foreign citizens)

Enlarged group of training areas (directions «Geography», «Cartography and Geoinformatics», «Hydrometeorology», «Ecology and Environmental Management») - 507.8 thousand rubles

Direction «Tourism» – 471.7 thousand rubles

Information for foreign students about passing the mandatory medical examination, fingerprint registration and photographing

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