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Research Journals of the Faculty

Geography, Environment, Sustainability

The journal Geography, Environment, Sustainability is the only English journal, publishing the papers from the field of physical geography in Russia. GES journal has Q2 ranking according to Scopus database and is included in the “White list” of peer-reviewed scientific journals in Russia.

Aim of the journal is to illuminate related interdisciplinary scientific fields, new approaches and methods along with a wide range of their practical applications. This goal covers a broad spectrum of scientific research areas and also considers contemporary and widely used research methods, such as geoinformatics, cartography, remote sensing (including from space), geophysics, geochemistry, etc.

The publication is free of any charges, the published papers have open access.


Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya Geografiya

The journal highlights the contribution of geographers to the development of the theory, methodology and methods of geographical science; publishes the results of scientific research; reflects achievements and problems in the training of higher school specialists; publishes materials on the scientific life of the Faculty of Geography, international conferences and symposiums with the participation of faculty scientists, as well as reviews of scientific monographs, textbooks and textbooks.

Publications in the journal are recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission when defending candidate's and doctoral dissertations. The journal is included in the Russian (e-Library) and international (Scopus) citation systems.


Regional Studies (Regionalnye Issledovaniya)

The journal was established in 2022 and publishes scientific articles on the methodology, theory, methodology and practice of regional research in Russia and abroad. When publishing, preference is given to the following topics of articles: economic, social, cultural, political and recreational geography; regional and spatial economics; regional sociology; regional analysis. regional development, regional policy; history of socio-economic geography and regional sciences; thematic literature reviews on topics relevant to the journal; information about significant scientific events on the problems of socio-economic geography and regional sciences.

Publications in the journal "Regional Studies" are recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission when defending candidate's and doctoral dissertations. The journal is included in the Russian citation system (eLibrary).

E-mail: region_issled@mail.ru

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