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Moscow PEEX office

Shenzhen Branch (China)

Direction of training  

05.03.06 «Ecology and 

environmental management»

Duration of training:

2 years

Form of study: 




No. 1, International University Park Road, Dayun New Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, PRC, 518172

+7(499) 348 80 02     

+86 755 28 708 015


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Admission Requirements

The program is aimed at bachelor's graduates of various specialties, but the priority areas of bachelor's specialization for admission to the program are natural sciences, geosciences, socio-economic sciences with an emphasis on economics and ecology. 

Teaching is carried out in Russian, so candidates are required to have a good command of this language.

Candidates must pass an entrance exam. The results of the Unified National Entrance Examination for Graduates will be taken into account as individual achievements .

About the program

Master's program of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov "Urban Ecology and Regional Planning" within the framework of the direction "Ecology and Environmental Management" was opened in 2020. In the content of the master's program, special attention is paid to the study of the relationships between individual components of the natural environment and the development of urbanized territories, factors of the natural and social environment of urban areas that determine human health and social well-being, principles of rational and optimal functioning of the urban environment. The master's program is aimed at training highly qualified specialists with a broad geographical outlook and scientific knowledge corresponding to the world level. 

The volume of the master's program is 120 credits (2 years). The number of credits during one year is 60 credits (30 credits per semester). The language of instruction is Russian. 

The first year curriculum consists of compulsory courses. Students can choose elective courses during the second year of study. During the second year, students prepare their master's thesis. 

The master's program ends with the defense of a master's thesis, during which students demonstrate their scientific knowledge, the ability to analyze and summarize primary literature on the research topic, and correctly and adequately present the results in a concise form using a written document.

Students can also undergo an internship at a master's degree program in Russia (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov) for up to 6 months, after which they can present a master's thesis.

As part of the training program, special attention is paid to modern methods of environmental monitoring and audit, methods for analyzing the quality of the urban environment, including the quality of air, water, soil, methods of economic-geographical examination of socio-economic activities, assessing the impact of anthropogenic activities on the environment, methodological approaches to managing urban development taking into account external conditions and internal factors.

After successful completion of the master's program, graduates acquire skills in assessing the environmental situation at the regional, local and national levels, skills in identifying environmental problems and a comprehensive analysis of the environmental state of cities, developing recommendations for the development of economic sectors and their proper placement.

After graduation, students can apply to a doctoral program in environmental science and sustainable development.

Head of the program «Urban ecology and regional planning»

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Kasimov N.S. 

Dean of the Faculty of Geography at MSU-PPI in Shenzhen

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Dobrolyubov S.A.  

Responsible for the implementation of the master's program

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Goryachko M.D.  

Teaching Staff 

Professor, Doctor of Geology  Bredikhin A.V.

Professor, Doctor of Geologiy Malkhazova S.M.

Professor, Doctor of Biology Bobrov A.V.

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Konstantinov P.I.

Associate Professor, Doctor of Geography  Klimanova O.A.

Associate Professor, Ph.D.  Puzanova T.A.

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