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Meteorology and Climatology

Meteorology and Climatology


119991, Russian Federation, Moscow,

GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, 1,

Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Faculty of Geography, Department of 

Meteorology and Climatology


+7 (495) 939 29 42

+7 (495) 939 30 43

E-mail: meteo1944@mail.ru

The Department of Meteorology and Climatology was founded in 1944. Its main profile was conceived as the study of the climatic component of physical and geographical processes, and the educational process was focused on providing, in addition to general university education, the training of weather forecasters capable of weather forecasting. Gradually, the need for a special study of the meteorological regime of a large city, Moscow, was realized, and for these purposes, ten years later, a meteorological observatory was established. These directions have been preserved, filled with new content, and now. Scientific activities at the department are carried out within the framework of the general theme "Global climate change: mechanisms, consequences and regional manifestations".

The following areas are developing within its framework:

  • The study of the physics of climate change and the development of the methodology of climate forecasting, including the forecast of hydrometeorological extremes, the forecast of changes in the state of the environment during climate change.

  • The study of the general circulation of the atmosphere, including tropical monsoons, long-lived anomalies of the extratropical atmosphere, and the study of the main modes of variability, such as the El Nino

  • Development of computer hydrodynamic modeling of atmospheric circulation systems with high spatial resolution (~ 1 km) for solving a number of tasks: for forecasting weather extremes (including in mountains), for forecasting meteorological conditions of urban territory, for modeling sea waves, for modeling floods, etc.

  • Monitoring of atmospheric processes in the Moscow megacity, including meteorological measurements (including acoustic sounding of the atmospheric boundary layer), radiation measurements (including measurements of natural illumination, ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation of the atmosphere), studies of air composition (CO, CO2, NOx, CH4, O3, NMHSS, SO2, aerosol and others) and the chemistry of atmospheric precipitation.

  • The development of chemical transport modeling based on hydrodynamic models coupled with chemical models of atmospheric processes, and the development of practical methods for short-term forecasting of dangerous components of the urban atmosphere.


The education takes place within the framework of the curriculum corresponding to the field of study "hydrometeorology" in the profile "meteorology". The education is structured as follows.

The 1st year of the bachelor's degree includes the study of a wide range of environmental and geographical disciplines (including a general course in climatology with the basics of meteorology) and higher mathematics. Summer practice strengthens the acquired knowledge.

The 2nd year is already a course in meteorology. It includes a block of physical meteorology, mathematics and hydromechanics, atmospheric chemistry, programming are studied in parallel, as well as a special instrument workshop. The educational practice in meteorology after the 2nd year is aimed at deeply consolidating the theoretical concepts obtained. It takes place in the field, and, in fact, the "immersion" method is used, when for two months the student group has no other activities than meteorology (conducting observations, interpreting results).

The 3rd course is training in dynamic meteorology (i.e., the application of hydromechanics methods to atmospheric processes), as well as climatology. In addition, students study satellite meteorology, microclimatology, etc., continue to study higher mathematics and programming. The preparation of the course work is the most important stage of education. The choice of course work is given to the student, but the subject matter is controlled. After the 3rd year, students undergo an internship, which already has not only educational, but also scientific and industrial character. Its subject matter and venue can be completely different: from expedition work (but necessarily with a meteorological component), for example, on the glaciers of Elbrus or Kamchatka, to work on a supercomputer in some computing center.

In the 4th year, students study synoptic meteorology, as well as aerology, mesometeorology, aviation meteorology, numerical methods of weather forecasting, etc., and prepare a dissertation, which they defend at the end of the 4th year, receiving a bachelor's degree. The choice of the dissertation topic is also free (within certain limits). It should be noted that often the work is prepared in some specialized institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences or Roshydromet. Summer practice is mandatory on the subject of synoptic meteorology in the relevant institutions.

Courses 5 and 6 are master's degrees. Here students take courses in climate theory, general atmospheric circulation, tropical meteorology, Russian climates, hydrometeorological fundamentals of environmental protection, etc. The main focus is on the preparation of a master's thesis.

After completing the master's degree, it is possible to continue postgraduate studies to prepare a dissertation.



Head of the Laboratory

Alexander Kislov, D.Sci., Professor


Alexander Olchev, D.Sci.
Daria Gushchina, D.Sci.
Gdaly Rivin, D.Sci.
Igor Shulgin, D.Sci.
Natalia Chubarova, D.Sci.

Associate Professors

Natalia Sokolikhina, PhD.
Pavel Konstantinov, PhD.
Pavel Toropov, PhD.

Leading Researchers

Victor Stepanenko, D.Sci
Ekaterina Gorbarenko, PhD.
Mikhail Lokoshchenko, PhD.

Senior Researchers

Lyubov Alekseeva, PhD.
Julia Mukhartova, PhD.
Irina Zheleznova, PhD.


Ekaterina Zhdanova, PhD.

Junior Researchers

Aleksei Poliukhov, PhD.


Alexander Osipov
Ulyana Belotskaya

For a list of employees of the Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory, see the website of the Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory

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