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Research laboratories

Field stations

Educational council

International cooperation

Moscow PEEX office

Interdisciplinary Seminars

Cultural Landscape 

First one works in the Committee of Cultural Geography of Russian Geographical Society. The seminar is devoted to the problem of the development of human-geographical researches. Start-up of the seminar was in 1993. Now it takes place in Moscow State University every 2-3- months. Directors of the seminar are staff members of the geography faculty: PhD Vladimir N. Kalutskov and PhD Tatiana M. Krasovskaya.

119991 Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninskie gory, Faculty of Geography.
Telephone: (495) 939-22-24 – T.M. Krasovskaya
e-mail: geogrprof@geogr.msu.ru

Scientific Seminar on Soil Erosion and Riverbed Processes

Seminars of the Scientific Research Laboratory of soil Erosion and riverbed processes named after N.I. Makkaveev have been held regularly since 1970. They are aimed at presenting and discussing the research results of laboratory staff, as well as colleagues from other scientific and educational organizations in the following areas:

  • theoretical and experimental studies of the mechanism of erosion, riverbed and estuarine processes in various natural conditions;

  • assessment of the environmental state of erosion-channel and estuarine systems and justification of measures to combat soil erosion, gully erosion and methods of regulating riverbeds and marine estuaries;

  • development of methods for physical, mathematical and computer modeling of soil erosion, gully erosion and riverbed processes.

Seminars are held from September to May once every two weeks in a full-time and part-time format.

To participate in the seminar, you must send a request to email:    

Contact: makkaveev.lab.msu@gmail.com.

Scientific Seminar on the Laboratory of the Latest Deposits and Paleogeography of the Pleistocene

The scientific seminar of the Laboratory of the latest deposits and paleogeography of the Pleistocene works in the format of one-day online conferences of All-Russian (with international participation) coverage, where acute issues of the history of nature of the Quaternary period are discussed. Each session brings together 40-60-minute reports by three or four leading researchers around a single topic, considered from different sides by representatives of different scientific fields. An important part of the seminar is a scientific discussion, in which everyone participates.

The topics of the seminars cover both major global events that determined the history of the Quaternary period of the planet (glacial-interglacial epochs, fluctuations in the ocean level, large volcanic eruptions, etc.), and their reflection and development in certain regions of Eurasia (events and trends in the evolution of nature in the Caucasus, the Russian Plain, the Far East, Western Siberia, etc.). Special attention is paid to modern research methods and new possibilities in reconstructing the history of the Earth over the past 3 million years. The problem of the origin and evolution of ancient man was not ignored, because this topic is closely related to the dynamics of climate and landscapes, with the possibility of hominids migrating to various regions of Eurasia.

Participation in the meeting allows you not only to get acquainted with the latest developments in the most interesting areas of our science, to get access to an overview of modern research, but also to ask questions to leading experts dealing with the history of nature on various aspects of geography and geology, as well as to express your opinion in the discussion. And it doesn't matter if you couldn't take part in the meeting - a recording of each seminar is available on the laboratory's YouTube channel 

To participate in the seminar, you must send a request

Global Changes of the Environment

Seminar was found on the geography faculty in 1997 and is aimed on comprehensive investigation of global changes of the natural processes. The director of the seminar is PhD Rudolf K. Klige. The main investigation of the seminar concerns ecological problems. 

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