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Ecology and Environmental ManagementMgmt

Geoecology and World Physical Geography

Geoecology and World Physical Geography

Form of study:

Duration of training:
2 years

Alekseeva Nina N.
Head of Education Program
Head of Department of World Physical
Geography and Geoecology
Associate Professor, PhD in Geography

Program description 

Professional training is aimed at mastering the knowledge and skills of conducting research in the field of ecology and environmental management, developing practical recommendations for stabilizing the environmental situation.

The content of the master's program pays special attention to modern methods for solving problems in the field of regional geoecology and analyzing trends in the state of the environment and natural-anthropogenic landscapes in Russia and the world in the context of climate change. The master can use geoinformation technologies to analyze environmental data and apply landscape-geoecological mapping methods. The program teaches mechanisms for implementing environmental policy, considering international experience and environmental law, developing measures for environmental management of organizations, environmental design and territorial planning for the purposes of environmentally balanced development.

Benefits of the program   

Broad geoecological problematics
Independent implementation of scientific research, the result of which is the preparation and successful presentation of the final qualifying work - a dissertation, as well as further research activities in the chosen scientific direction, including assessment of the state of the environment of regions of Russia and the world, landscapes and their geo-ecological functions based on confident knowledge of GIS modeling methods, data analysis, and widespread use of satellite images.  

Diverse geography of research

Along with studying the territory of Russia (at the regional and local levels), students’ works traditionally represent foreign countries and regions (some works are based on their own field research and internships), the study of which is facilitated by knowledge of two foreign languages.

Wide range of research topics

  • Regional specifics of the transformation of the natural environment and assessment of the geo-ecological state of key regions of Russia and the world, considering global climate change and the socio-economic situation

  • Geoecological problems (desertification, deforestation and reforestation, conservation of biodiversity, assessment of freshwater resources, changes in the epidemiological situation in various geographical zones, etc.)

  • Urban ecology (green infrastructure, urban landscapes, functional zones)

  • Land use (transformation and dynamics of land use at various territorial levels)

  • Geo-ecopolitics (assessment of greenhouse gas emissions, carbon market, forest certification, decoupling)

  • Recreational resources, functions, capacity, environmental management and design for tourism purposes

  • Energy (alternative energy sources, green energy)

  • Cultural landscapes

  • Ecosystem services

  • Protected areas and ecotourism

Considering modern factors in real time during the learning process

Involving students in grants and projects of the department and staff; broad ecological and geographical outlook; “scientific fashion” of generations; the international cooperation; places of practice.

Leading organizations where graduates work  

  • Institute of Geography RAS

  • Research and Design Institute of the General Plan of the City of Moscow 

  • Scientific and educational center "Green Academy" 

  • RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev (laboratory of agroecological monitoring, modeling and forecasting of ecosystems) 

  • Research Laboratory of Renewable Energy Sources of Moscow State University 

  • Architectural workshop No. 8 MNIITEP 

  • Fundamental Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM 

  • Association "National Working Group on Voluntary Forest Certification" Moscow 

  • Research Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Channel Processes named after. N.I. Makkaveeva Moscow State University 

  • Institute of Geology, Petrography and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGEM RAS)  

  • NP "Center for Promotion of Environmental Entrepreneurship" 

  • Ecostandard Technical Solutions LLC, Moscow 

  • KB "Strelka" in Moscow 

  • Wildlife Conservation Center (WPC) 

  • LLC System Development Agency in Moscow 

  • Institute of Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty 

  • JSC "National Center for Space Research and Technology" in Almaty

Basic academic disciplines 

  • Territorial planning and design (Kolbovsky E.Yu.)

  • Environmental policy of Russia (Dronin N.M.)

  • Scientific seminar (Grinfeldt Yu.S.)

  • Environmental development management (Klimanova O.A.)

  • Landscapes and global climate change (Medvedkov A.A.)

  • Environmental management (Alekseeva N.N.) 

  • Environmental quality and population health (Shartova N.V.)

  • Aerospace technologies in geoecological research (Grischenko M.Yu.)

  • Ecoregionalism (Alekseeva N.N.)

  • Ecobiotechnologies and coastal zone management (Grinfeldt Yu.S.) 

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