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Sergey A. Dobrolyubov

Sergey A. Dobrolyubov

Dean of the Faculty of Geography

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Head of the Department of Oceanology

Academician of the Russian 

Academy of Sciences, professor

+7 (495) 939 22 38


ISTINA profile

Sergey A.

In 1972, as a simple Moscow eighth grader, I entered the School of Young Geographers. Then my journey began, my life at the faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. And if someone had told me then that more than forty years later, in 2015, I would become the dean of the largest geography department in the country, I would never have believed it. But as they say, “do what you must and be what will be”.

And I know that only with the help of staff, students, friends of the faculty, we can not only maintain, but also improve the quality of geographical education and strengthen the role of geographical science in our country and in the world.

The world of geographers is very cozy. Once you get here, you are unlikely to want to change anything radically. Even if subsequently your life and work are not directly related to geographical sciences. The Geographic Community teaches not only science and practice, but also team success, respect, personal growth, and development. Many people have found and continue to seek for their personal happiness within the walls of our faculty. What could be more important than this? My daughter studied at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. And if I were given the opportunity to change any past events, the only thing I would change would be to take more classes outside of the regular schedule as a student

Sergey A. Dobrolyubov

Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1996), Professor (1998), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, majoring in Hydrometeorology (2006), Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, majoring in Oceanology, Water Resources (2022), Head of the Department of Oceanology, Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Sergey Anatolyevich Dobrolyubov (born October 24, 1958, Moscow), oceanologist, specialist in the field of physical oceanology. Graduate of the School of Young Geographers at Moscow State University (1975). In 1980, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University with a degree in Oceanology. In 1983, he presented his PhD thesis on the topic «Antarctic intermediate waters in the World Ocean». In 1996, he presented his doctoral dissertation on the topic «The role of water masses of the World Ocean in the global freshwater balance and heat transfer». Since 1983, he has been working at the Department of Oceanology of the Faculty of Geography. Deputy Dean for Research (1999-2015), Head of the Department of Oceanology (2006), Dean of the Faculty of Geography (2015).

The main scientific achievements of S.A. Dobrolyubov are associated with evaluation of the role of the ocean in long-term climate fluctuations. He was the first to describe the transport of the fresh component in the ocean part of the global hydrological cycle, established the cause of the formation of the global interoceanic circulation, studied the interannual variability of the characteristics of intermediate and deep ocean waters, developed a methodology for assessing hazardous natural phenomena in the coastal zones of Russia, and supervised the creation of complex atlases of the Russian Arctic and Caspian Sea region.

He has participated in 6 international ocean expeditions in the Atlantic Ocean within the framework of the WOCE («Global Ocean Circulation Experiment») and CLIVAR («Climate Change») programs, and was the responsible executor of several international grants to study the role of the North Atlantic and Arctic in climate fluctuations.

Sergey Anatolyevich Dobrolyubov is a Chairman of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Geography, the head of the Specialized Dissertation Council for Hydrometeorological Specialties at Moscow State University, editor-in-chief of the journal «Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 5, Geography», expert of several ministries and foundations. He is a Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council and Chairman of the Expert Council of the Russian Geographical Society, member of the National Oceanographic Committee of Russia, chairman of the Earth Sciences Section of the Presidential Grants Council for Young Scientists. Awarded medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2000) and I degree (2019).

He has published more than 240 scientific and educational works, including about 30 monographs and textbooks. At Moscow University he gives lecture courses on «Hydrology» (section «Hydrology of the Seas»), «Oceanology» (sections «Marine Turbulence», «Ocean Climate and Water Masses»), «International Ocean Research Programs».

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