World Physical Geography and Geoecology
119991, Russian Federation, Moscow,
GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, 1,
Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Faculty of Geography,
Department of World Physical Geography and Geoecology
+7 (495) 939 38 42
The Department of World Physical Geography and Geoecology (originally the Department of Physical Regional Studies, and since 1945 - the Physical Geography of Foreign Countries) was founded in 1938 by professors B.F. Dobrynin and A.S. Barkov - pioneers of the physical geography of foreign countries, disciples of Professor D.N. Anuchin. The department continues to develop the only domestic scientific school for the study of present-day landscapes and global geo-ecological problems, formed in the 1960-70s.
Scientific Activities
The main area of scientific activities of the department’s staff is the assessment of regional geo-ecological problems and the state of landscapes and territories in the context of global environmental changes. The objects of study are various regions and countries of the world, as well as the regions of Russia. Research is conducted at the local, regional and global levels using geographic information modeling methods, global geospatial databases, regional and world statistics, as well as the results of our own field surveys. Among the traditional and the most important scientific tasks of the department is testing of foreign approaches and methods of geoecological investigations.
Currently, in-depth studies continue in the following research areas:
Updating and verification of fundamental patterns of belt-sector-zonal differentiation of landscapes, taking into account modern trends of landscape transformation.
Identification of regional specifics of the transformation of natural environment and landscapes for key territories (including the Arctic, Siberia, mountainous regions, etc.), as well as its impact on local communities.
Analysis of changes in the structure of land use and land/landscape cover and their consequences for natural-anthropogenic landscapes of different regions of the world.
Studying the effectiveness of environmental and climate policies in various countries and regions of the world, as well as their possible impact on Russia.
Elaboration of algorithms for comprehensive geo-ecological assessment for countries, regions and cities of the world under different data availability and development priorities.
Study of cultural landscapes of Russia and the world in terms of their possible protection and integration into the system of regional socio-economic development.
Assessment of the current state, transformation trends and ecosystem services of water-green infrastructure in cities of Russia and the world.
Educational Activities
Each year over 40 undergraduate and graduate students, as well as graduate students and applicants, study at the department in the field of «Geoecology and Physical Geography of the World».
The following disciplines are taught at the bachelor and master degrees levels:
«Introduction to geoecology»
«Methods of field landscape geoecological studies»
«Development and transformation of terrestrial landscapes»
«Geoecological basics of recreation»
«Fundamentals of urban ecology»
«Landscape ecology»
«Global geo»ecological problems»
«Spatial analysis in geoecology»
«Physical geography of continents and oceans»
«Ecodiagnostics of a region»
«Geoecology of Russia»
«Economic basics of geoecology»
«Regional geoecology of continents»
«Ethnocultural basics of geoecology»
«Nature conservation»
«Global land resources and geoecological issues of their development»
«Forest landscapes and sustainable forest management»
«Chemical»analytical methods in geoecology»
«Spatial planning and design»
«Environmental policy of Russia»
«Environmental quality and public health»
«Environmental management»
«Regional environmental studies»
«Landscapes and global climate change»
Every year a number of disciplines are taught in English.
The main principle of theoretical training is the combination of environmental and geographical disciplines. An important feature of the profile training is an in»depth study of geoinformation mapping methods and their integration with the basic modules of instrumental methods.
Klimanova Oksana Aleksandrovna, D.Sc. in Geography
Krasovskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna, D.Sc. in Geography
Romanova Emma Petrovna, D.Sc. in Geography
Associate Professors
Alekseeva Nina Nikolaevna, PhD. in Geography, Acting head of the department
Medvedkov Alexey Anatolievich PhD. in Geography
Head of the Laboratory
Dronin Nikolay Mikhailovich, PhD. in Geography
Leading Scientific Researcher
Kolbovsky Evgeniy Yulisovich, D.Sc. in Geography
Senior Scientific Researchers
Arshinova Marina Alexandrovna
Bancheva Anna Ivanovna, PhD. in Geography
Grinfeldt Yulia Sergeevna, PhD. in Geography
Junior Scientific Researcher
Illarionova Olga Alekseevna, PhD. in Geography
Vysotskaya Anna Andreevna
Vaseikina Natalia Anatolievna
Komarova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Lukyanov Lev Evgenievich
Petrov Leonid Alekseevich
Tretyachenko Daria Alexandrovna